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πŸ”Ί Virtual Machines

A Virtual Machine (VM) is a blueprint for a blockchain. VMs can define anything you want, but will generally define transactions that are executed and how blocks are created.

Introduction to VMsIntroductory document to Virtual Machine Development, including some simple tutorials. This document is a Prerequisite for most of the other virtual machine tutorials.
Create a VM in Any LanguageA language-agnostic, high-level doc explaining the basics of how to get started at implementing your own virtual machine from scratch.
Create a Simple VM in GolangLearn how to build a simple virtual machine on Avalanche using Golang.
Create a Complex VM in GolangLearn how to build a complex virtual machine on Avalanche using Golang.
Create a Rust VMLearn how to develop virtual machines on Avalanche using Rust.
Generate a Stateful PrecompileCreate a stateful precompiles for Subnet-EVM from scratch.
HyperSDKAn opinionated framework for building hyper-scalable blockchains on Avalanche. This is an external link to HyperSDK's GitHub documentation and repository.

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