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const { ethers } = require("ethers");
const dotenv = require("dotenv");

/* Get needed util functions */
const initProviders = require("./utils/initProviders");
const initSigners = require("./utils/initSigners");
const initContracts = require("./utils/initContracts");


/* Relayer application

Could be run by
`node ./relayer.js`,
`node ./relayer.js <avaxBlockNumber>`,
`node ./relayer.js <avaxBlockNumber> <subnetBlockNumber>`,
`node ./relayer.js -1 <subnetBlockNumber>`

When run with `node ./relayer.js`:
Relayer will subscribe to events from recent blocks on Avax and Subnet
Therefore, it might not process an event that is emitted 1000 blocks ago
If you want to start the relayer and make a transaction, current way of running is what you are looking for

When run with `node ./relayer.js <avaxBlockNumber> <subnetBlockNumber>`
Relayer will look for events on Avax and Subnet from the block number you provided
and will iterate through the next 10 blocks for the event. Will process observed event
Therefore, if you have a burn or lock event emitted 1000 blocks ago, you can process it by giving the right blockNumber
If you want to start the relayer to process an old burn or lock event, current way of running is what you are looking for

When run with `node ./relayer.js -1 <subnetBlockNumber>` or `node ./relayer.js <avaxBlockNumber>`
Relayer will look for events on either Avax or Subnet from the block number you provided
and will iterate through the next 10 blocks for the event. Will process observed event
"-1" as block number means do not process any old blocks for that chain.
Therefore, `node ./relayer.js -1 <subnetBlockNumber>` will only process events for the subnet.
If you want to start the relayer to process an old burn or lock event just on one chain, current way of running is what you are looking for
const main = async () => {
If there is a need for sending transactions
Add it to the txs array.
Because of the `setInterval()` relayer will send transactions every 5 seconds if at least 1 transaction exists
We wait 5 seconds in between transactions to make sure we do not replace our own transactions before they are added to a block.
let txs = [];

/* Init providers, signers and bridgeContracts */
const providers = initProviders();
const signers = initSigners(providers);
const bridgeContracts = initContracts(signers);

For Avax
Relayer gets command line arguments
If command line argument exists and it is not -1
Then process next 10 blocks and process events from these block number
if (process.argv[2] && parseInt(process.argv[2]) !== -1) {
const startBlock = parseInt(process.argv[2]);
const recentBlock = await providers.avax.getBlockNumber();
If startBlock + 10 exceeds the recent block it would throw an error.
Since we would be trying to process blocks that are not there.
Therefore, we set endBlock to the smaller one of two
const endBlock =
startBlock + 10 >= recentBlock ? recentBlock : startBlock + 10;
/* Reset blockNumber of the provider to process those blocks */
/* Create new bridge contract instance because provider is changed */
const localBridgeContracts = initContracts(signers);
/* Filter events for "Transfer" event */
const filter = localBridgeContracts.avax.admin.filters.Transfer();
/* Query contract for old events in between startBlock and endBlock with given filter */
let oldAvaxEvents = await localBridgeContracts.avax.admin.queryFilter(
/* Format oldEvents as if they are transactions */
oldAvaxEvents = => ({
chain: "subnet",
amount: event.args.amount,
nonce: event.args.nonce,

Since we are looking for old events
They might have been already processed
Therefore, check if corresponding nonce is already processed or not
If not, add it to the txs array
await Promise.all( (event) => {
const { to, amount, nonce } = event;
console.log("OLD: Lock happened on avax");
`OLD: Transfer: to: ${to}, amount: ${ethers.utils.formatEther(
)}, nonce: ${nonce}`
/* Check if nonce is processed or not */
const isProcessed =
await localBridgeContracts.subnet.admin.processedNonces(nonce);
if (!isProcessed) {
/* If not processed add tx to txs array */
console.log("OLD: is not processed, will mint on subnet\n");
} else {
console.log("OLD: is already processed\n");

// Pretty familiar as above, provider is changed
For Subnet
Relayer gets command line arguments
If command line argument exists and it is not -1
Then process next 10 blocks and process events from these block number
if (process.argv[3] && parseInt(process.argv[3]) !== -1) {
const startBlock = parseInt(process.argv[3]);
const recentBlock = await providers.subnet.getBlockNumber();
If startBlock + 10 exceeds the recent block it would throw an error.
Since we would be trying to process blocks that are not there.
Therefore, we set endBlock to the smaller one of two
const endBlock =
startBlock + 10 >= recentBlock ? recentBlock : startBlock + 10;
/* Reset blockNumber of the provider to process those blocks */
/* Create new bridge contract instance because provider is changed */
const localBridgeContracts = initContracts(signers);
/* Filter events for "Transfer" event */
const filter = localBridgeContracts.subnet.admin.filters.Transfer();
/* Query contract for old events in between startBlock and endBlock with given filter */
let oldSubnetEvents = await localBridgeContracts.subnet.admin.queryFilter(
/* Format oldEvents as if they are transactions */
oldSubnetEvents = => ({
chain: "avax",
amount: event.args.amount,
nonce: event.args.nonce,

Since we are looking for old events
They might have been already processed
Therefore, check if corresponding nonce is already processed or not
If not, add it to the txs array
await Promise.all( (event) => {
const { to, amount, nonce } = event;
console.log("OLD: Burned happened on subnet");
`OLD: Transfer: to: ${to}, amount: ${ethers.utils.formatEther(
)}, nonce: ${nonce}`
/* Check if nonce is processed or not */
const isProcessed =
await localBridgeContracts.avax.admin.processedNonces(nonce);
if (!isProcessed) {
/* If not processed add tx to txs array */
console.log("OLD: is not processed, will release on subnet\n");
} else {
console.log("OLD: is already processed\n");

/* With above 2 functions we have processed old blocks */
console.log("\n\nOld events processed");

Now we subscribe to bridgeContract events on both chains
Which allows us to run a function whenever a new event is observed

/* Subscribe to bridge events on avax */
/* Subscribe to "Transfer" event */
async (from, to, amount, date, nonce, type) => {
type 0 means it is a release event
type 1 means it is a lock event

We only care for lock events as relayer. On lock events we will mint on subnet
We have added the release event for frontend applications.
if (type === 1) {
console.log("Lock happened on avax");
`Transfer: from: ${from}, to: ${to}, amount: ${ethers.utils.formatEther(
)}, date: ${date}, nonce: ${nonce}, type: ${type}`
/* Check if nonce is processed or not */
try {
const isProcessed = await bridgeContracts.subnet.admin.processedNonces(
if (!isProcessed) {
/* If not processed add tx to txs array */
console.log("is not processed, will mint on subnet\n");
txs.push({ chain: "subnet", to, amount, nonce });
} else {
console.log("is already processed\n");
} catch (error) {
console.log("error while checking processedNonces on subnet bridge: ", error);

/* Subscribe to bridge events on subnet */
/* Subscribe to "Transfer" event */
async (from, to, amount, date, nonce, type) => {
type 0 means it is a mint event
type 1 means it is a burn event

We only care for burn events as relayer. On burn events we will release on subnet
We have added the mint event for frontend applications.
if (type === 1) {
console.log("Burn happened on subnet");
`Transfer: from: ${from}, to: ${to}, amount: ${ethers.utils.formatEther(
)}, date: ${date}, nonce: ${nonce}, type: ${type}`
/* Check if nonce is processed or not */
try {
const isProcessed = await bridgeContracts.avax.admin.processedNonces(
if (!isProcessed) {
/* If not processed add tx to txs array */
console.log("is not processed, will release on avax\n");
txs.push({ chain: "avax", to, amount, nonce });
} else {
console.log("is already processed\n");
} catch {
console.log("error while checking processedNonces on avax bridge: ", error);
console.log("Started listening for new events\n\n");

This function gets to run each 5 seconds and it sends `mint` or `release` transactions to the bridge contract
We wait 5 seconds in between transactions to make sure we do not replace our own transactions before they are added to a block.
setInterval(async () => {
/* If there is no transaction to send, do nothing */
if (txs.length > 0) {
If provided blockNumbers for avax or subnet are close to current blocks of the chains
Then a transaction might get added to the txs array twice. Once processing old blocks (but pretty recent) and once subscribed to new events. Therefore, we have to eliminate same txs by filtering.
txs = txs.filter((value, index) => {
const _value = JSON.stringify(value);
return index === txs.findIndex(obj => {
return JSON.stringify(obj) === _value;
console.log("txs: ", txs);
let tx;
/* Remove the first element from the array and destructure it */
const { chain, to, amount, nonce } = txs.shift();
/* Check which chain the transaction will be sent to */
try {
if (chain === "avax") {
/* Call `release()` on avax */
tx = await bridgeContracts[chain].admin.release(to, amount, nonce);
} else if (chain === "subnet") {
/* Call `mint()` on subnet */
tx = await bridgeContracts[chain], amount, nonce);
} else return;
await tx.wait();
console.log("transaction processed, token minted or released");
} catch (error) {
console.log("error sending transaction: ", error);
}, 5000);

main().catch((error) => {
process.exitCode = 1;

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