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32 docs tagged with "Nodes"

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🔗 Nodes Quick Links

This section provides documents on how to build and maintain an AvalancheGo node, and then validate the Avalanche network using an AvalancheGo node.

Add a Node to the Validator Set

This section provides documents on how to build and maintain an AvalancheGo node, and then validate the Avalanche network using an AvalancheGo node.

Avalanche Notify

Avalanche Notify is an active monitoring system that checks a validator's responsiveness each minute. To receive email alerts if a validator becomes unresponsive or out-of-date, sign up with the Avalanche Notify tool.


Reference for all available C-Chain config options and flags.

Chain Configs

Reference for all available chain config options and flags.

Launch an Avalanche Validator on AWS with One Click

This tutorial will guide you through spinning up an Avalanche node via the one-click validator node through the AWS Marketplace. This includes subscribing to the software, launching it on EC2, connecting to the node over ssh, calling curl commands, adding the node as a validator on the Fuji network using the Avalanche Web wallet, and confirming the node is a pending validator.

Node Backup and Restore

Should your machine ever have a failure due to either hardware or software issues, it's best to be prepared for such a situation by making a backup.

Node Bootstrap

Node Bootstrap is the process where a node *securely* downloads linear chain blocks to recreate the latest state of the chain locally. Bootstrapping a node is a multi-step process which requires downloading the chains required by the Primary Network (that is, the C-Chain, P-Chain, and X-Chain), as well as the chains required by any additional Subnets that the node explicitly tracks.

Run a Subnet Node

Detailed instructions for running an Avalanche node that tracks a Subnet.

Run an Avalanche Node as a Background Service

This page demonstrates how to set up a `avalanchego.service` file to enable a manually deployed validator node to run in the background of a server instead of in the terminal directly.

Run an Avalanche Node Manually

The quickest way to learn about Avalanche is to run a node and interact with the network. This tutorial demonstrates how to install and run an Avalanche node, and connect to the Avalanche Network by compiling a node from source and running it manually.

Subnet Configs

Reference for all available Subnet config options and flags.

What Is Staking?

Staking is an essential part of proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanisms used by many blockchain networks, including Avalanche.


Reference for all available X-chain config options and flags.