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23 docs tagged with "Avalanche-CLI"

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Avalanche-CLI is a command-line tool that gives developers access to everything Avalanche. This release specializes in helping developers build and test Subnets.

Build Your First Subnet

This tutorial walks you through the process of using Avalanche-CLI to create a Subnet, deploy it to a local network, and connect to it with Core wallet.

How to Import a Subnet into Avalanche-CLI

This guide demonstrates the process of importing a Subnet to the Avalanche-CLI to enable better management of the Subnet's configuration. This how-to uses the WAGMI Subnet deployed on Fuji Testnet as the example Subnet.

How to Use Avalanche-CLI to Transfer P-Chain Funds

If you need to send funds to your Subnet control key or need to move funds from one Ledger address index to another, this guide will demonstrate how to enable direct transfers between ledger P-Chain addresses using the Avalanche-CLI command `avalanche key transfer`.

How to Use Avalanche-CLI to Transfer P-Chain Funds

If you need to send funds to your Subnet control key or need to move funds from one Ledger address index to another, this guide will demonstrate how to enable direct transfers between ledger P-Chain addresses using the Avalanche-CLI command `avalanche key transfer`.

Teleporter Token Bridge

This how-to guide focuses on deploying Teleporter Token Bridge to a local Avalanche network.