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24 docs tagged with "Dapps"

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Avalanche Block Explorer

These Avalanche Block Explorers allow you to query historical Mainnet, testnet, and Subnet block data.

Avalanche C-Chain Settings

Launching any new or existing Solidity decentralized app on Avalanche C-Chain fosters the same developer experience as Ethereum, but benefits from the security, speed, and interoperability of the Avalanche Network. Get connected with Avalanche C-Chain Settings

Avalanche Network Runner

The Avalanche Network Runner (ANR) allows a user to define, create and interact with a network of Avalanche nodes. It can be used for development and testing.

Avalanche Network Runner Commands

The Avalanche Network Runner (ANR) allows a user to define, create and interact with a network of Avalanche nodes. It can be used for development and testing.

Building on the C-Chain

Avalanche C-Chain is a blockchain that can run all the Solidity smart contracts from Ethereum, but with much greater transaction bandwidth and instant finality from Avalanche's revolutionary consensus mechanism.

C-Chain Exchange Integration

The objective of this document is to provide a brief overview of how to integrate with the EVM-Compatible Avalanche C-Chain.

Deploy a Smart Contract on Avalanche Using thirdweb

Launching any new or existing Solidity decentralized app on Avalanche C-Chain fosters the same developer experience as Ethereum, but benefits from the security, speed, and interoperability of the Avalanche Network.

Deploy an ERC-721 NFT Collection on Avalanche

This tutorial will walkthrough deploying a basic ERC-721 (NFT) smart contract on the Avalanche Network. This is a beginner friendly tutorial; No previous development experience necessary.

Fuji Workflow

An end-to-end walkthrough of necessary development activities for a bare-bones decentralized application.

Launch an Ethereum Dapp on Avalanche

Launching any new or existing Solidity decentralized app on Avalanche C-Chain fosters the same developer experience as Ethereum, but benefits from the security, speed, and interoperability of the Avalanche Network.

Using Truffle with the Avalanche C-Chain

Launching any new or existing Solidity decentralized app on Avalanche C-Chain fosters the same developer experience as Ethereum, but benefits from the security, speed, and interoperability of the Avalanche Network.