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6 docs tagged with "Cross-Chain Communication"

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Avalanche Warp Messaging

Avalanche Warp Messaging (AWM) provides a primitive for cross-subnet communication on the Avalanche Network.

Integrating Avalanche Warp Messaging into the EVM

Avalanche Warp Messaging provides a basic primitive for signing and verifying messages between Subnets. The receiving network can verify whether an aggregation of signatures from a set of source Subnet validators represents a threshold of stake large enough for the receiving network to process the message. The Avalanche Warp Precompile enables this flow to send a message from blockchain A to blockchain B.

Teleporter CLI

This page the source code for the Avalanche Teleporter CLI. The CLI is a command line interface for interacting with the Teleporter contracts. It is written with [cobra]( commands as a Go application.

Teleporter Contracts Upgradeability

Teleporter is an EVM-compatible cross-subnet communication protocol built on top of Avalanche Warp Messaging. The TeleporterMessenger contract is non-upgradable, once a version of the contract is deployed it cannot be changed. However, there could still be new versions of TeleporterMessenger contracts needed to be deployed in the future.

Teleporter Deep Dive

Teleporter is an EVM compatible cross-subnet communication protocol built on top of Avalanche Warp Messaging (AWM), and implemented as a Solidity smart contract. It provides a mechanism to asynchronously invoke smart contract functions on other EVM blockchains within Avalanche. Teleporter provides a handful of useful features on top of AWM, such as specifying relayer incentives for message delivery, replay protection, message delivery and execution retries, and a standard interface for sending and receiving messages within a dApp deployed across multiple subnets.

Teleporter Protocol

Teleporter is a messaging protocol built on top of Avalanche Warp Messaging that provides a developer-friendly interface for sending and receiving cross-chain messages from within the EVM.